A map of Temiscamingue District, 1842
A map of Temiscamingue District, 1842
Archives of Manitoba
Map showin the Ottawa River, the height of land and the Temiscamingue District as far east as Mistassini and the St. Maurice River, north to Abitibi, and west to Matawagamingue, south west showing the Dumoine River, and the Black River to Fort Coulogne. Indicates posts (Temiscamingue House, Temagamingue, Grand Lac, and outposts of Grand Lac at Cawassicamica and Trout Lake), rapids, and portages. Gives Algonquin names for places such as: pakescha (where the water is shallow); ke pe me che gama (where the river widens); camechabick (where there is a large rock); masastouche sagahigan (lake which flows to the south); apidamica (the river which is formed with half its water in the lake); namainwash (suckers); wapoos saguegan (lake of the hare); and obascha (the water rises).
Caractéristiques du format
107 x 97,5 cm
Titre antérieur
An Indian map of Temiscamingue District, 1842 [Hudson's Bay Company Archives]
Title changed because it was disrespectful
Access Rights
Open access